Here's a great shot of Terry and the fat, spoiled tiger cat, Ms. Puss. Ms. Puss is truly a boat cat, having lived aboard for the past 8 years. We found her at a restaurant here on Guam. She was about six weeks old, was pot bellied and nearly hairless and obviously starving to death. But she was a howler. She looked up at us sitting there eating and cried pitifully for food. When a morsel was dropped to her, another, bigger cat, would get it first. So, we took her home to the boat. Now she's pretty much in charge of day-to-day operations during the 5% of the day she's not napping.
Terry is a cat-crazy sailor, for sure. Can't imagine her being cat-less. She brought two cats from Germany, at great expense and hassel, nine years ago when we move from there to Guam. But, she's a fine and brave yachtie, and here she is on the foredeck of VATNA relaxing in the evening just before sunset. I was about to leave for a month to come back to Massachusetts to help take care of my mother and were sneaking in as much together time as we could. The foredeck of the boat, with a cat for company, is a great way to do that.