What Lies Ahead
The key to success is consistency and the key to consistency is determination and the key to that is enjoyment--have fun or it won't last (like love, like marriage and, yes, like writing.) So, I shall spend the winter writing doing that as well as reading, walking, and working out at the local Y.
Have written the rough drafts of four new novels and they are hanging out here on this laptop. I'll be happily tweaking them during the cold months ahead and plans are to hammer them into some kind of publishable shape.
Having a personal "brand" is important for a writer. I have a friend who brands herself as a Southern writer and, as I grew up as a farm boy in the remote Berkshire hills of western Massachusetts, I am a New England writer. That is, a writer who is a child of the long New England winters, deep, steep forests, and flinty farmers.
As I am now an old man, my next book will be about my personal experience of aging and the great adventure of dealing with death. Yes, an adventure.
More later.