This picture is from Seawind's cockpit. In the background is City Island, Bronx, New York City. I had all sorts of Hollywood-infected prejudgements of the place. Was everyone in the Mob? (They all sound like it.) Would we get mugged when we walked down the street? Would we witness a drive-by shooting?
No. Not even a pickpocket. At least this part of the Bronx is leafy and nautical. Lower-middle class, but pleasant and civilized. Make that friendly and smiling and helpful and decent. My brother and I were picked up at the boat by the yacht club launch for free (we paid $25 for the mooring, knocked down from $35 because we were having mechanical problems) and were allowed to use their showers for free. They were absolutely helpful and kind to these tired voyagers. Thank you to the City Island Yacht Club.
Today John fixed the problem with the engine's alternator (and I learned something), and we ascertained that the water coming into the bilge is coming in through a deck fitting, not from the sea due to a serious issue with the rudder post. We are ready to go, but the weather forecast for tomorrow is calling for more rain (90% chance), and we figure we'll be hanging on this mooring for another day.
That leaves Saturday with its promise of fair weather. We'll slip our mooring early and head out for the much-anticipated East River leg of the voyage--right through the middle of it all.
The anticipation builds!!